Sunday, March 15, 2009

Barefoot Runners are Crazy!

The zealots are out...I made a comment on another blog's discussion of barefoot marathon running and now I'm being attacked!

Here was my comment:
Just a quick comment on barefoot running. Not for the average Joe! It takes years of building up the skin and musculature of your foot to be able to run barefoot and not have significant injuries. There is a huge barefoot community around the globe with amny runners who will never go back to shoes. There are many many more that have tried it and gotten significant injuries. A better way to gain the "benefits" of barefoot running and not sustain greater risk for injury would be to try a "barefoot like" shoe such as Newtons. Also, you can investigate "Chi Running" style. Bottom line: barefoot running is not a good idea for your average American. If this is something you would like to try, start with a barefoot technology shoe before you subject your tootsie to the bare pavement. This has been a debate for many years. I actually discussed this in the Wall Street Journal back in 2006! The debate goes on and on and on....because there is no good answer....every runner needs to decide for themselves whether it is worth the risks.

The discussion is now closed.....but to see the whole shebang....go to

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