Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Here Comes Summer...Runners Beware

As the Houston summer quickly approaches, so do those long summer days with the scorching hot sun and humid conditions. If you are a runner this means that you are going to have to prepare yourself to bear the heat if you want to keep up the pace during the summer months. One of the most important aspects of running, no matter what time of year it is, is staying hydrated. I can still remember my high school cross country coach telling the team that training doesn’t end when you leave practice but continues with everything you put in your body because this will affect your run tomorrow and the next day. He would say that you can tell if you are drinking enough water if you are urinating clear. Back in those years I thought this was a silly analogy to be teaching high school students but thinking back on it now it was actually a very clever way to tell if I was truly drinking enough fluids to keep up with the toll I was taking on my body with each run.

There are many other ways to make sure you stay fully hydrated during hot and humid runs. Many runners choose to wear camelbacks, because they are relatively lightweight and don’t require you to stop if you want a sip of water. There are also many fuel belts on the market that allow runner to wear a belt that holds containers for water or juices.

It is important to consider that sometimes water is not the best choice in hot circumstances because you are not merely losing water when you run but also essential electrolytes. Alternatives such as Gatorade, Vitamin Water, and PowerAid are great products that help to keep you hydrated and replenish your electrolytes.

When you run in the heat you also sweat more. Make sure you wear socks that are made out of a material that can wick the increased perspiration away from your feet. If you wear cheap cotton socks you will have a greater risk of developing blisters.

However you choose to help quench your thirst and dodge the heat while running in the summer months always keep in mind that you must be especially in tuned with your body during this time. Don’t push yourself to hard. If you start feeling heat cramps, dizziness, or lightheadedness coming on stop immediately and seek shade and water.

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